Backup MDaemon
Backing up these folders is a simple as copying them and moving to a secure location. Copying the entire \MDaemon directory would backup the entire server structure. This would include users, domains, public folders, spam filter settings, archives, etc. If only certain settings/data/configurations are required for backup, then these can be selected individually. Listed below are examples of folder specific backups.
- MDaemon server configuration
- \MDaemon\App
- MDaemon server configuration, user email/data, public folders, and archives (if running MDaemon 16 or higher)
- \MDaemon\App
- \MDaemon\Data
- \MDaemon\Users
- \MDaemon\Public Folders
- \MDaemon\Archives
- MDaemon server configuration, user email/data, public folders, archives (version 16 or above), and spam filter settings (including Bayesian knowledge)
- \MDaemon\App
- \MDaemon\Data
- \MDaemon\Users
- \MDaemon\Public Folders
- \MDaemon\Archives
- \MDaemon\SpamAssassin
Other relevant MDaemon directories:
- \MDaemon\Backup – Contains server configurations/spam filter settings from last version upgraded
- \MDaemon\Gateways – Contains MDaemon gateway information/data
- \MDaemon\Queues – Contains MDaemon default and custom queue structures
- \MDaemon\Signatures – Contains user signature files
- \MDaemon\StatsDB – Contains statistics database (used for MDaemon reporting)
Restore MDaemon
- Copy the desired backed up folder(s).
- Paste these folder(s) in the same directory on the MDaemon server.
- Install the same version of MDaemon as when the folder(s) were originally backed up.
Source mdaemon
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